Mothers definitely know that your little one needs adequate fiber intake from daily food, such as from fresh vegetables and fruit. However, it is also important, you know, to help complete your child’s daily needs with high fiber milk.
Because according to the Nutritional Adequacy Rate (AKG) in Minister of Health Regulation Number 28 of 2019, the amount of fiber needed by children aged 1-3 years is 19 grams.
So, what are the benefits of high fiber milk for children and how do you choose the best product? Come on, let’s look at it together.
Benefits of High Fiber Milk for Children
Fiber itself is important for maintaining the health of the small tract so that bowel movements continue smoothly.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of fiber, namely fiber that can dissolve in air and fiber that does not dissolve in air.
Soluble fiber helps in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the blood so that the body is protected from the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol and other diseases such as heart disease and stroke.
The reason is, fiber is digested longer in the stomach, making children feel full longer, and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which keeps children’s blood sugar levels stable after eating.
Insoluble fiber helps badaktogel facilitate the movement of food in the intestines and prevents constipation. By consuming enough of this type of fiber, your little one’s stool will become soft and prevent constipation.
All of these benefits of fiber are in line with the health benefits of protein in milk, you know! When combined, protein and fiber intake from milk can help maximize the feeling of fullness after eating and prevent your little one from consuming excessive food or snacking.
On the other hand, milk is also a good source of calcium to build children’s bone strength. So, Mom, meeting your little one’s needs for prebiotic fiber such as fructooligosaccharide or also known as FOS is known to help increase calcium absorption, which is good for supporting healthier bone growth.
Combining a high intake of protein and prebiotic fiber in milk also helps support children’s health even further because prebiotics maintain probiotics, colonies of good bacteria that naturally live in your little one’s intestines.